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Four questions to ask before enrolling in college


上大学是一件大事. You're making strides to further your education and open doors to success. Although the payoff of college can be rewarding, it doesn't come without its sacrifices. Once you enroll, you're devoting your time, money and energy to earning a college degree. Thus, it's very important to find a school that's not only right for you, 但要符合你未来的目标.

Rather than rush into making a decision about which college to enroll in, 你应该先问几个问题:

  1. 这所学校信誉好吗??

When you give up your time and resources to attend a school, you want to make sure you're getting a good value. One way to be sure a school is reputable is to ensure it is accredited. 认证 helps ensure higher education programs are meeting certain acceptable levels. 向 U.S. 教育部 了解更多. You might also check to see if the school is non-profit or for-profit. Like businesses, for-profit schools aim to generate revenue. Non-profit schools focus on investing funds into student education. The National Center for Education Statistics provides a great research tool here.

  1. 学校有适合你的项目吗?

Deciding on the right career training program can be tough ' you want to pursue something that interests you, utilizes your skills and offers employment opportunities in your area. After you find a topic you're interested in studying and have 调查该领域的就业情况,  you must make sure the school you want to attend offers job training programs in that industry.

  1. 学校和你的课程表一致吗?

Whether you're fresh out of high school or have been away for a while, 很可能你要应付的不仅仅是学校. It could be family commitments, your social life, or even a job. It's important to consider how the school you're interested in offers classes. 他们是在网上,还是你需要在校园里? Do classes start by semester, or can you start immediately? 这个项目需要多长时间才能完成? These are important aspects to consider before you commit to a program.

  1. Does the school offer hands-on learning opportunities?

学习超越了课堂, and having hands-on experience in the field you wish to enter could help you as you pursue future opportunities. Does the program you're interested in allow you to go beyond your textbooks?
